Activity 11

Activity 11

This is Activity #11 in the Introduction Sequence. This activity is expected to take 30 minutes. The goal is to share your final project as well as read your classmates' presentations.

Overview video

You will need:

  1. Computer with internet access
  2. Your completed Final Project you've been working on and any other materials your instructor may have asked you to prepare for your presentation

Do Now: Presentations

Step 1: Find out from your instructor how you will be sharing your Final Projects with your classmates.

Step 2: Read your classmates' Final Projects. As you read, think about what you're learning from them.

Step 3: Write notes (digital or otherwise) to at least 3 of your classmates, congratulating them on their presentations and/or asking them questions.

Step 4: Email your instructor your Final Project so they can review it and provide feedback!

Step 5: Complete the following reflection prompt: What have you learned from your classmates' Final Projects that helps you think about your own career journey? When finished, turn it in to your instructor.


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