in Class 2.0 in Class 2.0 in Class 2.0

This page is for teachers, counselors, and other instructors. If you represent a District, please contact us.

Benefits of using In Class:

  • Significantly boost your students' career readiness
  • Make sure your students have career goals, career plans, and start taking career action
  • 100% online model works in school and at home
  • All activities are self-paced for students
  • Both formative and summative assessment build-in
  • Free for individual educators (districts can contact us here)

Get Started:

Choose one of our three activity sequences

All of our activity sequences use Flipped Classroom (Student Self-paced) activities with a project-based learning structure.

Important Note: Educators should not reuse classes on their CareerVillage accounts each year. They should make new ones so old assignments don’t get assigned to new students

Have Questions or Need help?

Educator resource hub here or contact our staff here.

A word of appreciation

We want to especially thank Cisco Systems, Inc. for the grant that made the development of this curriculum possible.


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