Student Activities: Introduction Sequence
Student Activities: Introduction Sequence

Student Activities: Introduction Sequence

These 11 activities take roughly 3 hours to complete, and will result in you being well on the track to career readiness!

This page is for STUDENTS! 📓📚📖

Activity 1: Project Introduction

Get started by learning about the project we'll be doing this year to help you build your career readiness.

15 minute activity

Activity 1Activity 1

Activity 2: Using

Sign up on

30 minute activity

Activity 2Activity 2

Activity 3: Declaring Career Goals

Come up with your first career goals and enter them into your profile

15 minute activity

Activity 3Activity 3

Activity 4: Asking Career Questions

Get your first career questions answered

15 minute activity

Activity 4Activity 4

Activity 5: Career To Do List

Add 5 new To Dos to your Career To Do List on the site. Ask a teacher or peer for help, if needed

15 minute activity

Activity 5Activity 5

Activity 6: Update Your Career Goals

Revising your career goals routinely is important!

15 minute activity

Activity 6Activity 6

Activity 7: Ask More Questions

Review answers you've received and ask new questions

15 minute activity

Activity 7Activity 7

Activity 8: Update Your To Do List

Update and add to your To Do List

15 minute activity

Activity 8Activity 8

Activity 9: Final Career Status Check

Complete a short Career Status Check

15 minute assessment

Activity 9Activity 9

Activity 10: Work on Project Completion

Finalize their project templates and work on project share

30 minute activity

Activity 10Activity 10

Activity 11: Final Project Share

Share projects with your instructor and classmates

30 minute activity

Activity 11Activity 11

Instructor-Selected Custom Activities